Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finally Something Good at Wal Mart

So everyone has always heard people talk about how horrible Wal Mart is and that if they ever had the money they would never shop there again.  Well count my husband in as one of those people in his words Wal Mart is the 7th level of hell!  Well tonight we had to go to Wal Mart to get the monster diapers and we were none thrilled about it but before we left we finally saw something good at Wal Mart.  No its wasn't one of those crazy people you see on or a great deal it was just an awesome deed.  As we were getting ready to check out we walked down to the end to the 20 items of less lane and waited because there was a couple in front of us.  As this couple was checking out a woman came up behind them and swiped her credit card....Strange right except it wasn't it was awesome

 You see the couple standing in front of us was a US Solider and his wife and from what I could hear from their conversation he had either just got back from Iraq for good or on leave.  So standing there I watch as this lady swipes her credit card and when the wife of the soldier tells her that the groceries were their the lady just looks at them and says I know its my treat Thank you for fighting for me and my country, I wish I could do more but at least I can do this for now.  We all just stood there in silence until the solider said you don't have to do that I don't deserve anything special.  At this the lady just smiled signed her name on the screen for the purchase and walked away.  I looked at the solider and told him no you deserve so much more!!

As soon as we got out of Wal Mart I had to call my mom because we are always telling each other our awesome stories and her answer was "Sometimes you get to see angels at work and sometimes you don' you got to see an angel at work!"  It was an awesome thing what I saw tonight and I hope that someday I can do something simple like that until then I just want to say thank you to all that have and are currently serving our country and to their families!!!  Next time you see someone in uniform or in a veterans hat what will you do or say???


  1. How amazing is that. My friend was at Wal-mart one day with her two boys and two carts full of stuff. The manager walked up and said a stranger wanted to pay for her stuff. They did, apparently they are a random stranger in Marion that does this for others often according to the manager. I do think that random acts of kindness are few and far between but there really are angels among us.

  2. I have awarded you! Go check out my blog!
