Saturday, December 25, 2010

Carder's Christmas

Today was started as one of those days....After being woke up at 4 by Carder and listening to him scream like someone was trying to kill him until 6 ( he had a bad stomach ache) we finally started our Christmas.  We stayed the night and my mom's so Santa had to look for Carder but he found him and it was so awesome to see my little boy's eye light up when he woke up and saw the tree with all the presents under it.  He was so much fun to watch and he was so happy with even the littlest things.  He is so amazing and I can't believe he is mine!  It was so nice to see Christmas from the eyes of a little one.  Where everything is so pretty and new and where it doesn't matter how many things you got or how much they were just seeing the joy of the holiday.  I loved seeing him smile and clap with every gift.  I can't believe that not long ago I had people telling me to give up on him and to not fight for him to just try again to have another.  He truly is my saving grace and my greatest Christmas gift!! I love you Carder August James!!!

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