So I finally decided to get on board with this whole blogging thing after much poking from a good friend of mine. So here we go with the first post.....
Have you ever had one of those holiday seasons where you just wish it would get over and you were tired of it before it even started? That's how I have been this year, I have not gotten into Christmas at all this year and felt like it was never going to end. That was until a couple days ago. Yesterday or actually 2 days ago (since its 12:30 and I'm still up) I got a phone call from my brother in law asking if my husband and I could help with my sister Steph's Christmas present. I said no problem and set the plan in motion. You see- my sister has always dreamed of owning her own piano that she can play at anytime and teach my nieces how to play. Unfortunately the only piano that anyone could afford was at my mom's and needed major work. This is where "Santa" stepped in, "Santa" aka my mom had found out that a good family friend of our had a piano for sale and approached my brother in law with the idea of doing a joint gift and buying it for her. My mom knew how bad she wanted a piano because every time Steph made a Christmas or birthday list at the bottom she would put a piano and then lol, knowing she would never get one. Well "Santa" and my brother in law decided it was time she got her greatest wish and on Tuesday night the men folk loaded up and headed to get the piano. What was my job you ask..... I had to sit at Steph's house with her and tell her that the boys needed Ryan's trailer to go get my father in law's truck that had broke down. I'm pretty sure she knew something was up when I told her I didn't know anything else about the truck in a not so nice tone!
Finally the big moment came, the boys had backed the trailer up to the garage door and in perfect timing as if she knew we needed Steph to be occupied Nora decided she needed her diaper changed. This is when I snuck outside and positioned myself in the perfect spot to catch her reaction when she saw it. The next thing I know Chet sends Steph out to see how bad my father in law's truck is (our lie grew huge lol) and I will never forget her face when she rounded the side of the van and saw what was on the trailer. She was so shocked and just started crying, this is when I realized that I was a part of an awesome Christmas. Not because of an amazing gift I got or that I had score the ultimate deal but because I saw true love in my brother in law's eyes as he looked at my sister and told her it wasn't a new beautiful fancy piano but he hoped she would like it and the love in her eyes when she said thank you. I will never forget how good it felt to be a part of such a fun surprise and such an awesome Christmas gift! Now I can say I am truly in the spirit of Christmas for this year and can't wait to see my little boys face on Christmas day!
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